10 simple workouts at home you need to try!
So you want to work towards your fitness but going to the gym seems an ordeal? Managing time can be quite grueling when you slog hour after hour in your workplace. So, why not bring the gym to your house? Here are ten simple workout programs you can try at home. The best thing about these workouts is that they are free-hand exercises and do not require lifting weights and using heavy machinery. Simple workouts at home that can help you get started anywhere and at any time. Before you get started on flexing those muscles, however, there are pre-workout steps that you need to follow to maximize your workouts at home. Dedicate 30-60 minutes every day to working out at home. Clear out a space for your workout, make room and keep it airy & well-ventilated. Choose a comfortable athleisure for your workout session. Keep towels handy to wipe off that sweat. Always choose a playlist consistent with your workout regime. And finally, maintain a daily tracker that includes your weight, height, and workouts completed to track progress. All right, so now you have the basics ready. It is time to shed those calories in style. 1. Bridge: The perfect exercise to warm up your body, bridges will help you activate your core and posteriors. How to do it? Lie down on your back. Bend your knees. Place your feet flat on the ground and extend your arms by your side. Then push your feet and brace your core. Slowly, lift your core until your hips are fully extended, and squeeze all the glutes to the top. Return to the starting position and repeat. Frequency: 3×15 (3 sets of 15 repetitions each) 2. Squat: Strengthen your legs and core with Squats to help with your mobility. You can master the form by placing a chair underneath. How to do it? Stand with your toes pointed slightly outwards and with your feet and shoulder wide apart. Bend your knees and hinge your hips. Sit until your bottom levels with your knee and rise back to the starting position by pushing through your heels. Frequency: 3×15 (3 sets of 15 repetitions each) 3. Pushup: There are several variations to a pushup. The standard pushup will help build muscles in your shoulders and chest. A pushup is a foundational exercise everyone must try. How to do it? Lie down on your chest. Place your hands wider than your shoulders. Straighten your arms and legs. Lift your body by pushing yourself back via the arms and the shoulders. Hold the position. Lower your body until the chest touches the floor. Repeat. Frequency: 3×10 (3 sets of 10 repetitions each) 4. Lunge: One exercise, three pressure points to flex. Lunges are the perfect way to flex your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. How to do it? Place your right leg flat in the front. Keep your left foot up on your toes. Bend your knees and take your lower body down in a single motion. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the ground. Push back up through your right foot to return to the starting position. Switch feet and repeat. Frequency: 30 secs on each leg. 5. Plank: A perfect exercise to work on your upper body and shoulders without using weights. How to do it? Lay down on your elbows. Keep your elbows under your shoulders. Keep your hands flat and activate your core. Press your forearms and knees against the floor and raise your body in a straight line. Hold the position. The shaking in your legs & arms means you are working your abs. Frequency: 3 sets of 30 secs each. 6. Burpees: Taken from calisthenics, this exercise works on all major muscles. A 125-pound person can lose up to 200 calories by doing Burpees for 20 minutes. This is pushups, squats, and jumping all combined into one. How to do it? Start in a squat position. Knees bent, back straight, feet apart. Lower your body with hands in front of the body, inside your feet. Kick back with your feet so that you land on your hands in a pushup position. Keeping your body straight, complete one pushup. (Do not bend your body) Frog kick to jump on your feet to the starting position. Stand upright. Reach for your arms over your head. Jump in the air and get back to the squatting position in one swift motion. Repeat. Frequency: 20 Burpees Per Minute. 7. Jumping Jacks: A perfect exercise to work out at home, Jumping Jacks derives its form from plyometrics that combines aerobic exercise & resistance work. Get extra work for your glutes, quadriceps, and hip flexors with this simple and beginner exercise. How to do it? Start with a normal standing stance with your arms by your side and legs straight. Jump up by spreading your feet beyond your hip-width while extending your arms over your head. Jump again to go back to the starting position. Repeat. Frequency: 2×10 (2 sets of 10 repetitions.) 8. Skipping: One of the most well-known workouts at home. This simple yet effective exercise will help tone your muscles and work on your calves, upper body, thighs, and shins. How to do it? Grab the handles of your jump rope in each hand with the rope behind you, near your heels. Rotate your wrists and forearms and swing the rope over your head As the rope swings over your head and passes your shin, jump on your toes. Timing is crucial. Let the rope swing underneath your toes back to the starting position, behind you, near your heels. Repeat. Frequency: 30 minutes. 9. Deadlift with Resistance Band: Effective at building your legs, glutes, back, core, and posture, this workout requires a resistance band. And although traditionally, this workout is performed with barbells, resistance bands work simply fine for your workout at home. How to do it? Stand with your feet flat on the ground and placed at hip-width apart. Place the
10 simple workouts at home you need to try! Read More »