
‘To the Vegans’ – With love, TikTok.

To the Vegans’ - With love, TikTok.

Veganism has become the new lifestyle. In this fast-paced world, we all want the best for our bodies, the healthiest options out there. We all want to indulge in a lifestyle that makes us feel fit and healthy.

Veganism actually became popular way back in the 1960s. People started realizing the cruelty that non-vegetarianism caused to the animals. As a result, people looked for more guilt-free options. With the wave of TikTok, veganism has resurfaced and has become a part of many people’s daily life. A vegan is a person who does not eat any meat nor consumes any by-product produced by an animal, such as milk, cheese, eggs, etc. People prefer to indulge in plant-based replacements of these products such as tofu, almond or soy milk, vegan butter, and much more. You can also see meat being replaced with vegan alternatives such as jackfruit, mushrooms, carrots, chickpeas, etc.

As TikTok became the new worldwide sensation, veganism came back in the limelight. People started posting their own interpretation and ways of dishes. Cooking hacks became trends that everyone was testing and reviewing. With this came the wave of vegan dishes. Dishes that were healthy and tasty, dishes that any non-cook or a busy bee can make.

So, without any further ado, here are 7 TikTok vegan dishes that took up the internet by a storm.

7 TikTok vegan dishes that took over the internet:



Some say, they cannot start the day without a good cup of coffee. Introducing from the land of K-Pop- Dalgona Coffee. This coffee drink was trending all over TikTok in 2020. All one needs is some coffee powder, water, milk and sweetener. You whip up some ground coffee with the sweetener of your choice in a little bit of hot water, for about 10 minutes, till it becomes a nice paste like consistency, almost till its doubled. You can either use a milk frother or give your forearms and biceps a good exercise by whipping it by hand. All you need to do after is add some cold or hot milk. Some use full fat milk and sugar but you can add your preferred plant-based milk and some honey instead. Believe me, it does taste as good as it looks!



Well, if it were up to me, I’d have breakfast in bed every day. Who has the energy to wake up and make breakfast? Waking up is difficult as it is. On a serious note, what if I told you that you do not have to wake up and make breakfast in the in the morning but still eat a home-made, healthy breakfast every day? This might sound like it is too good to be true, but my friend, it is true. Presenting to you- overnight oats. Though oatmeal is supposed to be eaten warm, this dish is cool as a breeze, and easy too! All you have to do is take a container, add some oats and some plant-based milk of our choice with some honey. Mix it well and keep it in the fridge. Over the night, the oats are going to soak up all the milk and become soft and sweet- just like you. Before you eat in the morning, just top it up with seasonal fruits or nuts of your choice and enjoy a home-made, healthy breakfast. This is a perfect recipe for all the busy bees, especially if you are not a morning person.



This fancy, wholesome dish will surely entice you. All you need is a couple of slices of bread, avocadoes, olive oil, salt and pepper, onion and garlic powder, couple of drops of lemon juice and a few additional ingredients of your preference. Once you peel and pit your avocado, smash the avocado and add your seasonings. Toast your slices of bread on the pan or in your toaster. Spread your avocado mix on your toast with a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil and enjoy! And if you are fancy like me, you can customize it by using a French baguette or adding some cherry or heirloom tomatoes and few herbs and olives as toppings. Devour this dish as a nice Sunday brunch or a mid-day snack- the ball is in your court.



This post-workout dish is definitely the most wholesome and healthy move to get energized the right way. Take your blender, put fruits and veggies of your choice. Strawberries, bananas, mangoes, melons, you name it! You can also add some cashews, almonds or even avocados. Add some honey or maple syrup to make it sweet like you, add in your choice of plant-based milk and blend it all till it becomes a thick paste-like consistency. Top it up with some additional nuts for some crunch and gobble it all up without any guilt! And darling, don’t forget your protein powder!



Looking for a hassle-free, heavenly dish that takes you over a tour of Italy? I gotchu. This feta pasta dish is definitely a game-changer. Simply take a baking or pasta dish, add a block of vegan feta cheese along with some cherry tomatoes, basil, herbs, chili flakes, minced garlic, salt, pepper and olive oil. Bake it in the oven till the tomatoes are completely cooked and the cheese is melted. You’ll know when it’s done when your kitchen smells like an Italian restaurant. Take it out and add some cooked pasta of your choice. The melted feta and cooked tomatoes along with the seasonings will create a perfect sauce, lusciously coating the pasta. Voila! It is all ready to be devoured.



Yes, you heard it right. Bacon that is actually a carrot. I was as surprised as you probably are until I looked it up. If you are a recently-turned vegan and miss your sweet, crispy bacon, I got the perfect and healthy dish for you. Wash and peel a carrot. Cut it into thin, long strips with the help of a y-peeler. In a bowl, add some oil, tahini, maple syrup or honey, salt and pepper, paprika, soy sauce and herbs of your choice. Make sure to pre-heat your oven. As your oven pre-heats, add the carrot strips in the marinade bowl and mix it will until all the strips are coated well. Let it marinate for about 20 minutes. In a baking tray, put the slices of carrot with some space in between. You can brush over some of the excess marinade over the strips. Bake until they look crispy and golden brown. Before you even know it, you won’t be missing bacon all that much!



No meal is complete without dessert. This vegan chocolate fudge is literally to die for! And the best part- It takes only 5 minutes. In a microwave-safe bowl, sift some powdered sugar and unsweetened cocoa powder. Add a spoonful of vegan butter, a couple of drops of vanilla extract and cup of plant-based milk of your liking. Mix it well. Microwave it for about 4 minutes. Take it out and put it in a tray with a parchment paper layer so that it becomes easy to take it out. You need to be quick here as it might harden. Once you put it in the tray, spread it evenly and put it in the fridge till it cools down completely. You can later cut it into squares and serve it to your loved ones.

These easy-to-make vegan dishes are the hacks you need! It can be enjoyed with no guilt and stress. One does need to compromise on taste to be healthy.

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