
Future of online gaming: esports gaming.

Esports is short for electronic sports and has transformed how sports were previously looked at. Being good at sports meant being physically ‘fit’ -commonly spelled as the condition in which the candidate is expected to have a muscled-up body that is thin, tall, and ‘preferably’ male (until very recently). Esports destroyed these barriers not only to entry but also to the success a player could achieve irrespective of their physical appearance.

The 3 important esports sectors:

Players: (No guesses here!) The gamers out there realize that becoming a champion is no easy task. Some players practice for more than 10 hours to hone their skills. But that’s not all. Apart from being the champion and having “chicken dinners” post winning within your friend circle, you could either be a ‘streamer’ or a ‘pro player.’

Streamers are players who livestream themselves playing on platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. They have their own “streaming personalities” that viewers love watching. (PewDiePie fans say CHEERS!) Moreover, upon gaining a fan following one can also monetize from the broadcasts through ad revenues, donations, and subscriptions.


While only a few rise to the level of becoming pro players, those who do, have to compete in global tournaments. These pro players build a fan following for themselves and the teams that they pay for.

Teams: The next important sector is the teams. Pro players join teams in multi-games to fight for monetary prizes. Every team competes in a specific game such as the League of Legends, Dota, and Counter-Strike. People love watching their favorite teams fight against their biggest rivals. It’s just like going to a FIFA world cup mixed with the comfort of Netflix & Chill (and some thrill) for the viewers.

Leagues: Esports teams representing your organization compete in regular seasons, playoffs, and video game leagues with world championships. They compete in video game leagues in a way similar to the NBA basketball teams competing against each other. League tournaments are organized by companies such as Major League Gaming (MLG) and Electronic Sports League (ESL). Leagues include the North American League of Legends Championship Series, or the Call of Duty World League (sponsored by MLG).

 Your Favorite Esports:


counter strike
league of legend

Future of Esports

If you are a gamer, you must have cursed your network at least once when your game lags at a crucial moment. Well, worry no more. 5G is here to put a full stop to the commas during your game! With the fast connectivity, 5G offers several benefits for multiplayer game communities by improving the overall cloud streaming experience. Now you can play all you want without any buffering. Organizations can add as many enhancements to the game without any worries, and even in dense markets, gamers can play without any latency or glitches. Overall, gamers can have the new features and smooth experience in the games without losing much (you do need the dollars for a 5G phone and connectivity).

Bottom Line

Gone are the days when playing games on the phone was just meant for recreation. The youth and the gaming community take their games as seriously as any other athlete – they have a fixed time when they religiously play, they have a close-knit community, and they are interested in what more can any organization offer them. Game developers and companies must capitalize on the explosive demand for new gaming platforms and higher levels of interaction. As these new technologies become more dominant, the gaming experience will change fiercely, with a new generation of massively multiplayer games launching online to appeal to new audiences.

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