
Top 10 tips to finding more joy in life

Top 10 tips to finding more joy in life


What does “good life” mean to you? For some, it’s high-end clothes, expensive vacations, and luxury cars. But for others, it’s a simple life filled with joy and contentment.

That’s what this article is about: living the good life without breaking the bank.

No matter your budget, there are simple, meaningful ways to maximize your joy. Whether it’s getting in nature more or taking time to slow down and savor the moment, here are 10 tips for finding more joy in life.

1. Start Investing in Yourself

Start your journey towards living a life of joy by investing in yourself. Being mindful and intentional in the way you invest time and money will give you back the biggest returns.

This doesn’t mean that you have to break the bank. Even something as small as taking a few minutes to focus on your breath each day is an investment into your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Another idea? Invest in experiences that enrich your life, like a group yoga class or weekend retreat focused on self-care and wellness.

You can also invest in relationships with friends and family, providing support and showing up for them when they need it most. These investments will pay off in happiness dividends. After all, it’s essential to invest in the things that add value to your life—no matter how big or small they may be.

2. Simplify Your Life

You don’t need to pick up that extra item on your next grocery trip or buy the trendiest fashions to feel fulfilled in life. Sometimes, it’s the simplest things that bring us the biggest joy.

Start by taking a look at how you spend your time. Are there any tasks that can be eliminated, delegated or automated? For example, try taking a few extra minutes of your mornings for yourself by preparing breakfast and lunch the night before. Even small things like pre-setting your coffee machine can help you create more moments of tranquility in your daily routine.

Try to take a critical look at what is bringing purpose and joy into your life and what is not. Cut back on activities that are adding stress without return and focus on those that bring a sense of accomplishment and well-being. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to commitments if it helps you focus on the things that truly matter to you!

3. Find Time for Relaxation & Reflection

Finding time for relaxation and reflection is essential for having good physical and emotional health. And it doesn’t have to be complicated: set aside a few minutes each day to turn inward, pay attention to your own thoughts and feelings, and manage any stress.

Why It’s Important

Relaxing helps you release any negative emotions or tension that can build up over time, allowing you to clear your thinking and reset your outlook. It gives you the opportunity to analyze your thoughts and feelings, leading to better self-awareness — and potentially making you more creative in the long run.

How To Do It

You don’t need a lot of time or preparation to make relaxation part of your daily life. Here are a few ideas for how to do it:

  • Take five-minute breaks throughout the day — just get up from your desk or take a short walk in the sunshine
  • Spend an hour engaging in an activity that calms you, like yoga, meditation or reading a book
  • Set aside 10 minutes each evening before bed just for yourself to think about the day and reflection on what matters most.
  • Connect with nature by taking a hike or spending the day at beach.

4. Exercise Regularly

The fourth way to maximize your joy is to exercise regularly. Sure, you may have heard of the amazing physical benefits of exercise, but you might not know how it can boost your happiness too.

Regular exercise has been proven to:

  • Trigger the release of endorphins, so you get a natural “high”
  • Enhance your mood and reduce stress levels
  • Increase productivity and mental focus
  • Improve your quality of sleep
  • Help you take on challenging tasks more confidently

Exercising doesn’t mean having to join an intense boot camp or marathon—it’s about finding something that works best for you and making healthy changes in your life. It could be as simple as taking a walk around the block on lunchtime, or even going dancing with friends.

Whatever it is, regular physical activity is a great way to increase joy and make you feel amazing!

5. Get Quality Sleep Each Night

Sleep is one of the most underrated components of an enjoyable and healthy life. It’s your time to digest all of the events of the day, to vividly imagine and process your hopes and dreams, and to stimulate powerful mental restoration processes throughout the night. Quality sleep is essential for both physical health and mental wellness — not to mention sharp cognitive performance — so it’s definitely worth investing in.

  • Here are some tips for maximizing your nightly rest:
  • Set a consistent sleeping schedule, such as going to bed at the same time each night
  • Shut down your electronics at least 1 hour before bedtime
  • Establish a soothing nighttime routine, like taking a hot bath with essential oils or reading
  • Invest in comfortable mattress and pillows that provide ample support
  • Try techniques like yoga or guided meditation to help calm your body and mind before bed

If you have trouble sleeping through the night, try using a white noise machine or sound machine

By taking small steps each day towards better sleep hygiene, you will soon be on track towards living a healthier life—one full of joyous energy!

6. Adopt a Healthy Diet

One of the quickest ways to improve your quality of life is to make sure you’re eating a healthy diet. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy carbs can do wonders for your physical and mental wellbeing.

– Eat breakfast every day

Starting your day off right is key to long-term happiness. Eating a healthy breakfast gives you energy that lasts throughout the day, and helps set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

– Make sure to eat enough

Under-eating can lead to energy dips, mental fog, fatigue, and overall malaise throughout the day. Make sure you’re getting enough food each day so that you don’t experience unpleasant symptoms of undereating.

– Incorporate Superfoods

Add some “superfoods” into your diet for an extra nutrition boost. Superfoods like blueberries, salmon, and kale contain powerful antioxidants that help keep you feeling great from the inside out.

By adopting a healthy diet, you will not only feel better physically but be more mentally alert too! Eating well can help improve productivity in the short term as well as lead to greater happiness in the long run.

7. Invest in Experiences, Not Things

You can live the good life you seek in more ways than one—it doesn’t always have to mean luxury items and big-ticket items. Research suggests that spending money on experiences can bring you more joy than spending on material objects. Experiences can be something as small as a picnic with a friend or a mini-road trip around your country!

– Adventure

Make a point to go out and explore. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new like rock climbing, abseiling, or skydiving(if that’s your thing). Not only will you get to take in the beauty of mother nature, but these activities can also open up opportunities for self-discovery and growth.

– Create Something

Nothing is quite like creating something from scratch or starting from zero. Whether it be a DIY project at home, cooking up something delicious in the kitchen, painting, or writing—dive into it and let your creativity flow. Remember, there are no right and wrongs when it comes to creating—it’s all about having fun!

– Connections

Invest in experiences with those that lift you up. Nothing brings more joy than connecting with someone who positively impacts you spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Show appreciation for those who are important in your life through taking them out for dinner or planning a day-outing together—these sorts of experiences create strong bonds between friends and family members and will last way beyond any material item ever could.

8. Unplug From Technology Whenever Possible

It’s easy to feel like we’re always connected—and it can start to feel overwhelming. One of the best things you can do for your mental health is to unplug from technology whenever possible.

Not only is it good for your mental state, but taking a break from technology also has practical benefits. Giving yourself designated times away from screens can help with stress relief, improve your sleep quality and make you more productive in the long run.

Ways To Unplug from Technology

Taking a tech break doesn’t have to be hard—here are a few simple ways to unplug:

  • Set aside time for no-phone activities. Take up a hobby like painting or reading, or visit friends and family instead of texting them. Anything that doesn’t involve looking at a screen counts!
  • Limit notifications so that you don’t get overwhelmed by all the messages, emails and apps you get during the day. It might also help if you avoid checking notifications late at night before bed—try setting them on silent during those hours as well!
  • Look out for patterns in how your behavior changes when you’re using technology too much, like feeling distracted or being less productive in general. When those signs come up, that’s when it’s time to turn off your devices and take some downtime.

Unplugging from technology can be hard in today’s world—but it is worth it! When you get away from all those screens and take some time just for yourself, you’ll see why living the good life includes taking these breaks from time to time.

9. Maintain Positive Relationships with Loved Ones

Relationships with your family, friends, and significant others are the most important part of life. Without them, we would not feel connected or cared for. To make the most out of life, it is essential to take care of your relationships by staying connected and being supportive. Here are some simple tips to maximize joy in your relationships:

1. Make time to talk:

Respect each other’s schedules, but be sure to make time for talking every day. Even if it’s just a quick check-in or a few minutes of catching up, taking the time to check in will help keep lines of communication open and strengthen connection with the people you love.

2. Find ways to show appreciation:

Showing gratitude and compassion can go a long way in strengthening relationships. Whether it’s telling your parents how much you appreciate all they do for you, or doing something small like bringing them breakfast—everyone loves feeling appreciated and valued in their relationships.

3. Put down phones at family gatherings:

Quality time with loved ones means no phones! Taking away phones will help everyone focus more on the moment together—catching up on old memories or creating new ones—and ensure everyone has the attention they deserve during hangouts.

You can even spice things up by finding new activities that everyone can enjoy (like escape rooms) or just watch a movie together!

10. Give Back to the Community

Giving back to the community is the ultimate way to maximize your joy. Being able to make a difference in someone else’s life can be one of the most rewarding experiences and it often has a ripple effect that extends beyond your own life. This could include anything from volunteering your time, donating money or items you don’t need anymore, or even just smiling at a stranger in passing.

Whether you choose to give back locally or globally, here are some simple ways you can start making a difference:

  1. Donate food or clothing items to those in need
  2. Volunteer with an organization that supports your interests
  3. Give your time at an animal shelter or rescue organization
  4. Assist elderly neighbors with yard work or errands
  5. Start a small fundraiser to support a local charity
  6. Participate in beach cleanups or other environmental initiatives
  7. Sponsor a child through an international relief program
  8. Offer free tutoring services to students who need extra help
  9. Donate blood or become an organ donor
  10. Become involved in political issues you care about and take action!

By doing something meaningful for others—no matter how small—you’ll find that it has a big impact on both your own happiness and the wellbeing of those around you!


To sum it up, living the good life is about being present and making small adjustments to your life to make sure that it gets the best out of you. It’s not about having a lot of money or buying a lot of stuff. It’s about making the most of what you have, not just financially, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

By doing these 10 simple things, you can maximize your joy, enabling you to create the best version of yourself and your life. From taking the time to appreciate the beauty in small things, to simply being kind to yourself, it’s the small changes that make a big impact.

So take the time to find and follow your own path, and before you know it, you’ll be living your best and most fulfilling life.